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Samurai Collectors are used to receive and transport telemetry from your security controls, network devices or cloud services to the Samurai platform.

There are three types of collectors:

1. Cloud Collector

  • deployed within the Samurai platform and is used to gather telemetry from cloud services and/or security controls. For a cloud collector you simply need to complete the relevant integration.

2. Cloud Native Collector

  • a transport method to gather telemetry from public cloud products and services, specifically Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services (AWS) and supported third parties. This collector type is used for monitoring cloud storage (Azure Blob and/or AWS S3) to pull data into the Samurai ingestion pipeline.

3. Local Collector

  • deployed within your environment and is used to gather telemetry from your security controls and network devices. We have packaged the local collector to support multiple formats and envionments.

What type of Collector do you require?

This is dependent on the products you want to integrate with Samurai:

  • For products deployed in your internal network, a Local Collector will be required to gather (pull & push) telemetry data and securely transfer it to the Samurai platform.
  • For cloud based products providing API endpoints, a Cloud Collector will be used to pull the telemetry data and securely transfer it to the Samurai platform.
  • For cloud based products utilizing streaming of telemetry data, a Cloud Native Collector will be required to receive the telemetry data and securely transfer it to the Samurai platform.

Next steps:

  • Review our Supported Integrations and associated Integration Guides to determine the collector type(s) required. Within each Integration Guide there is a table denoting use of a Local, Cloud or Cloud Native Collector, alternatively this is displayed in the Samurai MDR portal when working through an integration.
  • You may also choose to jump directly to the Samurai MDR portal and review integrations
  • If you have determined you require a local collector then click on Samurai Local Collector and follow the steps to create, configure and install.
  • If you have determined you require a Cloud Native collector then click on Samurai Cloud Native Collector and follow the steps to create and configure.

1 - Samurai Local Collector

If you have determined that you require a local collector then follow the steps below to learn what you need to get started, create, configure and download a local collector from the Samurai MDR portal and ensure it is working as expected.

  1. Take a moment to understand what you need to get started
  2. Create, configure and download a Collector
  3. Install a Collector
  4. Validate Collector Status
  5. Collector Status Notifications
  6. What’s next?
  7. Deleting a Collector

What you need to get started

  • Access to the Samurai MDR portal and your specific tenant.

  • A hypervisor to run the virtual machine, for example VMware vSphere, Microsoft Hyper-V, Amazon EC2 or Azure Virtual Machine

  • Ensure to make any necessary updates to comply with the collectors connectivity requirements.

  • A static IP address for the collector and DNS server IP addresses unless you decide to use DHCP.

  • Access to your products to make necessary changes outlined within the relevant integration guide.

Minimum Virtual Machine Requirements

The following machine requirements will support up to 15K events per second (EPS) peak, 10K EPS sustained over a 24hr period, approx 800GB per day.

Disk500GB disk
Memory4 GB

Connectivity required for the Collector

The collector requires connectivity to resources outlined within the table below, you may need to update your security controls e.g firewall to allow this connectivity.

Enrolment, TelemetryTCP443Collector*.*
All regular backend communication, telemetry
Used for remote administration of collector (this is not mandatory and used when troubleshooting)
NTPUDP123CollectorClient infrastructure (NTP server(s)) if configured in Samurai app

Time synchronization
DNSUDP53CollectorClient infrastructure (DNS server(s)) or external DNS servers (based on your collector configuration)Domain name resolution
Ubuntu updatesTCP80, 443Collector*
Ubuntu software repository

* (private container registry) (private container registry)

* (private container registry)
Private container registry
Amazon Cloud dependenciesTCP443Collector*.cloudfront.netAmazon CDN used by Collector API
Log storageTCP443Collector*.s3.*.amazonaws.comAmazon Cloud storage (this is not mandatory and used when troubleshooting)
Telemetry data(based on product - see Integration guide)Client ProductCollectorFrequent data transfer (based on product)

Create, Configure and Download a Collector

  1. From your Samurai MDR portal tenant, click Telemetry and select Collectors from the main menu

  2. Select Create Collector

  3. Select Local collector

  4. Complete the fields as required.

Collector nameA nickname for the collector
Description (Optional)A description of your collector, this could be the property name where installed
Location (Optional)Useful if you have collectors in multiple locations
HostnameA hostname for your collector
Proxy Server IP (Optional)Optional HTTP proxy IP address
NTP Servers (Optional)Input your own NTP server IP addresses
DHCP or StaticDetermine whether the collector will use DHCP or specify your own static IP address and network information
  1. Select Create Collector once you have completed all relevant fields

  2. Select the Collector you created by clicking the Name used in Step 2

  3. Select Download

  • The files you need to download are based on your Hypervisor. The options available for download are:

    • Configuration
      • iso - configuration file for your collector, this file is always required
    • Cloud init
      • AWS - used to provide cloud-init data to AWS instance
      • Azure - used to provide cloud-init data to Azure instance
    • Virtual machine
      • vmdk - disk image (not needed if using the ova)
      • vhdx - virtual hard disk format used for Hyper-V
      • ova - virtual machine that the collector will run (includes disk image) for VMware
  1. Download the iso configuration file and also the relevant file needed for your hypervisor.

notice_icon.pngIf you are creating multiple collectors, you only need to download the ova file once and can use it multiple times, the important file per collector is the configuration file (iso).

Install a Collector

Based on your hypervisor follow the relevant section:

VMware vSphere

Follow the documentation from VMware:

  1. When asked to provide a virtual machine name, we suggest samurai-nttsh-collector
  2. Be sure to select the .ova file you downloaded when asked for the file to deploy your virtual machine from.

Once complete follow the VMware article to configure a datastore ISO file

  1. Be sure to select the .iso file you downloaded when asked to select file

The VM is now ready to be powered on.

notice_icon.pngThe .iso file must be mounted at first boot to configure the Collector. Once you have validated the Collector status is Healthy in the Samurai MDR portal you must ensure the .iso is dismounted.

Microsoft Hyper-V

Follow the documentation from Microsoft:

  1. When asked to provide a virtual machine name, we suggest samurai-nttsh-collector
  2. Use the Virtual Machine Requirements when configuring memory and network
  3. When asked to Connect Virtual Hard Disk ensure to use the .vhdx file you previously downloaded
  4. For Installation Options ensure you use the .iso file you previously downloaded

Once you have completed setup of your Collector you should ensure it is running and validate the status within the Samurai MDR portal, upon initial setup this can take a little while.

Amazon EC2

Prerequisitve steps:

  1. Ensure you have the AWS cloud-init.yaml file you downloaded from Create, Configure and Download a Collector.. This file will be used later during EC2 instance deployment.

Follow the vendor documentation from Amazon to launch a EC2 instance:

Perform the following adjustments to the vendor documentation when launching the instance:

  1. During step 4.a, select Ubuntu as AMI.

  2. During step 4.b*,* select the latest Ubuntu AMI

  3. During step 5*,* select a suitable Instance Type based on estimated performance requirements while fulfilling the Minimum Virtual Machine Requirements.

  4. During step 6 & 7, Set Key pair & Network Settings as per your AWS policies. Ensuring the the Network settings still fulfills the Connectivity required for the Collector.

  5. Before step 8, modify the Configure storage section with the following settings:

    1. Adjust the Root Volume to be at least 64 GiB.
    2. Add a secondary volume with at least 500 GiB according to the Minimum Virtual Machine Requirements.
      notice_icon.png Secondary disk volume will be used for spooling, size it according to estimated log volume and max downtime.
  6. Before step 8, expand the section Advanced details and paste in the content of the cloud-init.yaml file into the User data section. Ensure that the check box User data has already been base64 encoded is not enabled.

  7. Proceed with step 8 and finish the rest of the installation as per the vendor documentation.

Azure Virtual Machine

Prerequisite steps:

  1. Ensure you have the Azure cloud-init.yaml file you downloaded from Create, Configure and Download a Collector.. This file will be used later during the Virtual Machine instance deployment.

Follow the vendor documentation from Microsoft to launch a Virtual Machine instance:

Perform the following adjustments to the vendor documentation when launching the instance:

  1. Under the Basic tab, select Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS as image
  2. Under the Basic tab, select a suitable Size based on estimated performance requirements while fulfilling the Minimum Virtual Machine Requirements.
  3. Under the Disk tab, add one data disk with at least 500 GiB according to the Minimum Virtual Machine Requirements.
    notice_icon.png Data disk volume will be used for spooling, size it according to estimated log volume and max downtime.
  4. Under the Advanced tab, paste the contents of cloud-init.yaml in the Custom datafield.

notice_icon.png All other settings such authentication, network configuration and monitoring should be configured according to company policy and best practices.

Validate Collector Status

  1. Click Telemetry and select Collectors from the main menu

  2. Select the relevant Collector from the presented list

  3. View Status

OfflineCollector created but not online
UnavailableCollector has been online but no longer available
HealthyCollector deployed and deployed add on components (including) Integrations and/or Evidence Fetchers)
Not-HealthyComponent(s) deployed on the Collector not healthy
ProvisioningCollector is in setup

After you provision a Collector VM and start it, it will go through a process of installing updates and modules specified in the configuration ISO file which you downloaded. The time taken for this process is dependent on factors like the speed of the hardware you are running the Collector on and connectivity to the repositories that it downloads updates from. In some cases this process can take around 30 minutes.

The Collector may show as “Offline” during the initial provisioning steps. This is not any cause for alarm.

If you have any problems, please submit a ticket via the Samurai MDR portal.

Collector Status Notifications

Samurai will send email notifications to registered application users should your Local Collector status change from Healthy to Not-Healthy or Unavailable. Once any issues have been resolved, you will also be notified again when a Healthy status is reached.

mceclip0.png If your Local Collector be restarted, during final startup you may notice the Status change from Healthy to Not-Healthy, this is not cause for alarm as this typically occurs for a short period of time as processes restart. Once complete your Local Collector status will be displayed as Healthy.

What’s next?

You should now have a collector running within your environment!

The next step is to start configuring integrations which will allow the Samurai platform to start receiving your telemetry data.

Select Integrations Overview for more information on integrations and where to start.

If you require high availability for your collector, this can be achieved using the capabilities of your virtualization platform.

Deleting a Collector

mceclip0.png If you delete a local collector it cannot be reversed! In addition, all of your integrations related to the local collector will also be deleted!

If you need to delete a local collector you can do so by following the steps below:

  1. From your Samurai MDR portal click Telemetry and select Collectors
  2. Select the relevant collector from your list
  3. On the right hand side of the relevant collector, click on mceclip1.png (more options) and select Delete Collector
  4. The following warning will appear: ‘Warning: This is a destructive action and cannot be reversed.’. To ensure you intended to delete the collector you will need to type DELETE in the field and select Delete Collector

Replacing a Collector

If for some reason a Local Collector VM is lost due to corruption or damage, such as in the case of a major disk storage failure, you may need to replace your Collector. If this happens, you will need to delete the old Collector in the Samurai MDR portal, discard your old Collector VM image and then create a new Collector using the process described to Install a Collector.

mceclip0.png Important Notes:

  • If you need to replace a Collector VM, you cannot re-download the installer ISO for an existing Collector and redeploy it. You must delete the old Collector and replace it with a new one.
  • You can re-use the same IP address as your old Collector. This allows you to replace a Collector without re-configuring any log sources which were sending logs to the old Collector.
  • When replacing a Collector, any Integrations which were automatically detected and attached to the original Collector will be automatically detected and attached to the new Collector.
  • Once you have created the new Collector, you will need to add any Integrations which you were previously using and which you had to previously manually add to the old Collector.

2 - Samurai Cloud Native Collector

The Cloud Native Collector is used to ingest data from public cloud storage. The Collector itself is agnostic to the data sent to cloud storage and monitors for new or updated files and pulls the data to the Samurai platform for ingestion - therefore there are minimum cloud storage retention requirements.

mceclip0.png We recommend a minimum cloud storage retention period of 7 days

The Cloud Native Collector is used for specific integrations and is typically a requirement for Samurai to ingest events from Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services and third parties that leverage cloud storage. This will be clearly indicated within the Product Integration Guide.

If you have determined that you require a Cloud Native Collector then follow the steps below to configure and create the collector from the Samurai MDR portal and ensure it is working as expected.

Create Cloud Native Collector

  1. From your Samurai MDR portal tenant, click Telemetry and select Collectors from the main menu

  2. Select Create Collector

  3. Select Cloud collector

  4. Complete the fields as required.

Collector nameA nickname for the collector
Description (Optional)A description of your collector
ProviderSelect the correct Provider
  1. Select Create Collector

  2. Based on your Provider selection a Deploy to <Provider> will be displayed

  3. Select Deploy to <Provider> - this will launch a template you should follow based on your Provider.

  4. Click Close and follow the relevant section below based on your Provider.

mceclip0.png The deployment button will only be displayed once after selecting Create Collector, therefore be sure to click the button before closing the dialog window.

Microsoft Azure

Selecting Microsoft Azure will launch an Azure Resource Manager (ARM) template. Follow the steps.

  1. Complete the necessary fields within the template:

Project Details

SubscriptionSelect your Azure subscription to deploy the Collector into
Resource GroupCreate or select your Resource Group to deploy the Collector into

Instance Details

RegionSelect the Azure region to deploy the Collector into
Collector Name(this is auto populated from the Samurai MDR portal Collector name you defined)
Collector Id(this is auto populated from Samurai)
Passkey(this is auto populated from Samurai)
  1. Select Next

  2. Select Review and Create

  3. You are now complete and can navigate to the Samurai MDR portal.

Validate Collector Status

  1. Select Collectors from the left-hand menu

  2. Select the relevant Collector from the presented list

  3. View Status

OfflineCollector created but offline
Not availableCollector has been online but no longer available
HealthyCollector deployed and healthy
Not-HealthyCollector not healthy
ProvisioningCollector is being setup / provisioning

What’s next?

You should now have a collector running!

The next step is to start configuring integrations which will allow the Samurai platform to collect your telemetry data.

Select Integrations Overview for more information on integrations and where to start.

Deleting a Collector

mceclip0.png If you delete a Cloud collector it cannot be reversed! In addition, all of your integrations related to the local collector will also be deleted!

If you need to delete a Cloud collector you can do so by following the steps below:

  1. From your Samurai MDR portal click Telemetry and select Collectors from the main menu
  2. Select the relevant collector from your list
  3. On the right hand side of the relevant collector, click on mceclip1.png (more options) and select Delete Collector
  4. The following warning will appear: ‘Warning: This is a destructive action and cannot be reversed.’. To ensure you intended to delete the collector you will need to type DELETE in the window and select Delete Collector